National Pipe Thread (NPT) Caps

Caps for NPT Threads
National pipe thread (NPT) caps are ubiquitous in the protection of hydraulics, plumbing and other threaded connections. Widely considered a standard threading protection option, NPT caps are common in a variety of applications, protecting threaded components for consumer, industrial and business use.

The NPT threaded caps available from Caplugs are designed to cover a wide range of threaded endings, including standard NPT fittings, long threads on exposed well casing pin ends, threads for aerospace and military aviation applications and more. These threaded caps protect against dirt, dust and other contaminants, and are ideal for preventing damage during shipping, handling and storage.

With NPT caps from Caplugs, you’ll have the ability to install and remove caps with ease. From push-on caps with flanges to tear-tab caps, we have several convenient and cost-effective options for easy removal in the field.

Furthermore, these caps prevent unwanted material from impacting the quality of threads during finishing processes, including wet painting.

Find the right NPT caps for your parts, no matter the thread size. Order conveniently online now or contact our team today to discuss special needs and custom manufacturing options.

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